COVID-19 Response

Our COVID-19 Response


Strasman Architects Inc. would like to assure all of our clients that work is continuing during this period of disruption. We are closely monitoring the situation and are following best practices recommended by local, provincial and national authorities to minimize the risk of exposure, while ensuring that service to our clients remains ongoing. Our commitment first and foremost is to the health and safety to our staff, working partners and clients. Below are the primary policies and measures we have implemented:

REMOTE WORKING: At this time our office has fully implemented procedures to allow for remote working capabilities for all employees. Physical access to our office is restricted. The most effective means to contact staff during this time will be through email.

[/one_fourth][one_fourth]MEETINGS/SITE VISITS: All internal and external meetings are being moved to teleconference. If an essential meeting is required on site, we are strongly recommending our clients to call in advance to discuss the logistics of an onsite meeting. Site visits will continue providing that site personnel confirm they are present. If a site visit moves forward, social distancing will be followed by our employees.

SANITIZATION: Hand sanitizer is available on every floor at every entrance and in staff lunch areas. Disinfectant wipes are available and employees are encouraged to use them regularly for their workspace. The cleaning staff have been directed to wash down all high touch areas with appropriate cleaner to limit transmission of the virus.

TRAVEL: All work related air travel has been suspended, and those returning from abroad are requested to comply with government recommendations for 14 day self quarantine.

In the event of an office wide closure, or further restrictions that may impact the ability to provide effective services, we will provide immediate notice. In the interim, should you require any information, please do not hesitate to reach out.

We appreciate your patience during this time of disruption.[/one_fourth]


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